Principles Styles Ltd

Nairobi River Basin Sewage

Home / Nairobi River Basin Sewage

Let's Grow Trees

Project Detail

Athi Water Services Board has signed a contract agreement with principles Styles Ltd to rehabilitate the Nairobi River Basin Sewage lines through tree planting. The people living within the entire catchment of the sewerage system in Nairobi (approx. 3.5 million), including the people living downstream of the Athi River, are expected to benefit from the project as it will rehabilitate areas along the sewerage system though soil stabilization, and improved environment. The community members living in areas adjacent to the sewer are expected to participate in the general promotion of improved environment through tree planting. In particular, they will be sensitized on tree planting and protection.

The contract focuses on 12 sections on Nairobi River Basin Sewage lines under construction within  Nairobi namely 

(1) Kiu Trunk Sewer

(2) Nairobi Duplication Trunk Sewer

(3) Nairobi River Trunk Sewer extension

(4) Riruta North Trunk Sewer

(5) Kirichwa Ndogo Trunk Sewer

(6) Dandora Box Culvert

 (7) South Nairobi Dam Trunk Sewer

(8) Kibera Trunk Sewer

(9) Upper Hill Trunk Sewer

(10) Kangundo Road trunk Sewer

(11) Mathare Trunk Sewer

(12) Gitathuru Trunk Sewer.

The outcome of this contract is established two rows of tree in areas where excavation has already taken place and a new sewer line laid/constructed. The tree planting activity is expected to mitigate this project t which classified as environment category 1 according to the Bank’s Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures (ESAP). The nature and scope of the project is likely to cause potential environmental risks during the construction and operational phases of the trunk sewers and wastewater treatment facilities.

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Athi Water Services Board agreement with principles Styles Ltd to rehabilitate Nairobi river basin sewage lines

Athi Water Services Board has signed a contract agreement with principles Styles Ltd.